If you want to cancel automatic renewal of your subscription, you must do so before the plan renews or you will be charged the full amount of your next subscription.
How to cancel your subscription
To cancel your subscription or automatic renewal of your Internxt account, follow these steps:
Login to your Internxt account
Click "Settings"
Click "Billing"
You will see your current plan and renewal date
Click "cancel subscription"
Confirm cancellation
How to cancel your renewal and delete your account
To cancel the automatic renewal of your subscription, you need to delete your account permanently or contact us at [email protected] from the same email address you used to create your Internxt account.
If you remember your password, you can simply click on the "Delete account" option found in your account settings.
To delete your account without your password, you must:
Click "Forgot your password"
Input the email address that you created your Internxt account
You will then receive an email with instructions on how to delete your account
Please follow the instructions carefully
Upon completion, you will receive an email confirming your account has been deleted
Still have questions or feedback? We're here to help! Feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]