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What do the icons mean in Internxt Drive?
What do the icons mean in Internxt Drive?

Find out more about the icons used in Internxt Drive and what they mean when you are uploading, syncing, or backing up your files.

Updated over a week ago

When uploading, syncing, or backing up your files in Internxt Drive, you will view icons to help you understand the process. These are the icons we use, and the meanings.

If you encounter an icon not on this list, please contact [email protected] with your question and we will be happy to help.

Internxt Virtual Drive icons

For Internxt Virutal Drive on Windows and Mac, you will see the following icons regarding the upload, syncing, and availability of your files.

Green Dot with White Checkmark

Meaning: The file is fully synced and available offline.

Explanation: This indicates that the file is stored locally on your device and is up-to-date with the version stored in the cloud.

White Dot with Green Checkmark

Meaning: The file is available online only.

Explanation: The file is stored in the cloud and not on your local device. You need an internet connection to access this file.

Cloud Icon

Meaning: The file is available online only.

Explanation: Similar to the white dot with a green checkmark, this icon indicates that the file is stored in the cloud and will be downloaded when accessed.

Cycling Blue Arrows

Meaning: The file is currently syncing.

Explanation: This indicates that the file is in the process of being uploaded to or downloaded from the cloud. Any changes made will be synchronized.

Other Possible Icons

You may also come across some of these icons when using Internxt Drive.

Gray cloud with down Arrow

Meaning: Available online only.

Explanation: This indicates that the file is available in the cloud but has not yet been downloaded to your local device.

Exclamation mark (!)

Meaning: There is an error with the file.

Explanation: This could indicate a sync error, permission issue, or other problem needing attention. If you continue to run into errors, please contact [email protected]

Cross icon (X)

Meaning: Cancel the current task.

Explanation: This icon indicates that the ongoing operation, such as a file upload or download, will be canceled. As a result, the process will be halted, and no further action will be taken on the current task.

Internxt download icons

If you're accessing Internxt via Web, you will see these icons when downloading a file.

Download state icons

Download item has 6 states:

  • Waiting

  • Downloading/uploading

  • Download/upload paused

  • Download/upload canceled

  • Download/upload successful

  • Download/upload failed

  • Magnifying glass: opens the folder or file location

Still have questions or feedback? We're here to help! Feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]

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