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Can Internxt access my files?
Can Internxt access my files?

Can Internxt access my files? Is Internxt really private? Find out in this article about how Internxt ensures privacy.

Updated over a week ago

Internxt, nor any other third-party can access your Internxt files.

Internxt built its infrastructure with the vision of creating the first suite of Internet services that presented the user with total control, security, and privacy of their data.

Our secure storage was designed from the ground up with the user and their privacy in mind.

Internxt is open-source and built on encryption so every bit of code we create is accessible for verification and every action on our platform is recorded and registered.

Encrypting and decrypting your files

When you upload a file to our private cloud storage, Internxt automatically encrypts the file before it leaves your device. Nothing you upload reaches the internet in its raw, readable form.

When a file is encrypted the information is scrambled and rendered unreadable. After your file is encrypted, we then break it into shards and distribute the pieces of information throughout the Internxt network. Only the user with the encryption key can decrypt and piece back together encrypted files.

For end-to-end encryption, we use your mnemonic as an encryption key (the only one that has access to that mnemonic is you) and we also utilize an element called IV, which is a randomly generated number that adds entropy to the encryption algorithm. We do store the IV but this is not an element that can be used to decrypt your data.

Internxt secure cloud storage service

To be more specific, we use an algorithm in our safe storage, known as AES256.

Your password is hashed with a randomly generated salt. Then, before we send the hash to Internxt systems for persistence, we also encrypt this hash. By using this method we ensure nobody outside your client can gain access to your password. You can be confident that your files are in a safe storage service.


Everything we have mentioned prior is all built on Internxt’s source code. Basically, the code is the language engineers, programmers and developers use to tell computer systems what to do and how to do it. Computers don't do anything without first being told or at the very least (in the case of AI) given a set of guidelines to follow.

Still have questions or feedback? We're here to help! Feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]

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